First appeared in Lognet 00/1.

Le Botci ji kraku li, Lo lupsu, lu. (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)

by Alex Leith

This fable has not been fine-tooth-combed. Please point out any errors, or suggest better ways to express what is intended. New complexes are marked with a #, and are explained in the translation.

Nepazu ba botci, e siflii ne cmasitci vi le midju je la Frans. I, nia leva darpao ckemo, le monca, e le ranjytrigru pia folma lo rezlii nimlu. Ibea ba rezlii porju, ice be cervu, ice bo catru, ice bu lupsu.

Nao le botci pa harlii ne cmalo hasfa, ja nu balci ba, lo stuka ze lo cetydeu, e nu trufa lo drastaga. I bei #kinlii lebei matma. I lebei farfu uu paza morto. I le matma ga cluva ce zavlei uu lemei sunho. I bei zavbiu ze plezao.

Nao, nia leva darpao ckemo, loe nilboi sui ga turka. I pa nu turka loe nilboi ga rapo kerju lo bercu ze lo gotcu. I nei kingoi bei ze gei, le cmasitci, lo fildi jio lo grasa ga langa ce molro vi fei. I nei stolo va, e kunkatca rapo ba nu zalvei bei ze gei.

Nao rapo prase katca lo bercu ji rastci pa cketeu le botci. I, hoi Ridle, kae, tu io nipa speni lopo katca lo bercu ji rastci. I mi sirmao tu, lepo tio cketeu go ciktu lepo katca lo grasa ji rodja, a lo pinti ji dracea. I le botci ga madzo ne casrie, e muzkao ri sapla grimui. Ibuo tio no ckelaa treci bei, kou lepo na leva darpao ckemo lopo siltu ce rolgu tejo no pa nu vetfa, ice bei fundi lopo siltu ce rolgu, enoi lo notbi muzgi. Iceu le casrie ga no dreti nu hamtui. I le botci pa getsi ne cmalo korce, e cirna lepo madzo lo cinbedpu, le korce ze lebei hanco. Ibuo tio sui cketeu.

Na ne denli, le botci pa #vierdui ba, nepo cmiza. I bei #taircea, e clado kraku li, LO LUPSU !!!, lu. I ra siflii je le cmasitci nazi prano fadgoi le fildi jio lo bercu ga pismi rastci vi fei. I sei kentaa le botci, ice hue sei,
     Vihu lo lupsu? I ho lupsu?

Hue le botci, Ro groda lupsu ga godzi ti, e stali go snire leva tricu. I mi pa renro ne troku, e kraku, inukou lo lupsu pa dargoi.

Ri le mrenu pa kejkao snible le dertu ji snire le tricu, e sifdui ni marka dei, lo lupsu. I mei kejkao hirtei, e hirti nipo luptaa. I mei fangoi le cmasitci. I le botci ga hapci clafo, e nuo skucue lepo bei vefpeo.

Fa ri denli, le botci ga mutce nu cketeu, e genza kraku li, Lo lupsu, lu. I ra le siflii je le cmasitci ga genza prano fadgoi le fildi. I sei genza sifdui ni marka le dertu, lo lupsu. I, na lepo le mrenu ga fangoi le cmasitci, mei #kinski [together sit at ...] le barcu, e dislu le botci. I ba cutse li, Mi no krido lepo bei pa vizka lo lupsu. I raba #kaidja lopo plezao, le botci, lu. I, vi le fildi, le botci pa clafo ce nuo skucue lepo bei vefpeo.

Nao, na ri genza, le botci pa dupma leu siflii je le cmasitci. I le mrenu ga dislu bei, e grocycea. I ba cutse li, Le zavbiu botci pa dupma uo mu, e clafo uouo, e cmiza rapo fatru uououo mu, lu.

Na ne denli, le botci ga genza kunkatca lo bercu, e nu cketeu, e klinymao le nazbi tie le dedjo. I bei sudna hirti ba ji muvdo be bo, le bidje je le ranjytrigru. I bei bleka, e vizka ro groda ce tcidaa lupsu ji stali va, e #kubcra vizmao lo dante, e #tongysatro lo zlupi. I le botci ga taircea, e #clacla kraku li, LO LUPSU, LO LUPSU, lu. I lo lupsu ga kubcra, e sacduo nepo slano ce santi dzoru vuva le botci. I le botci ga genza kraku, e trati nepo prano. Ibuo le nero groda lupso ga janjua bei, e kukra mormao bei. I le ra lupsu ga gramia titci sara le bercu.

Le mrenu ji vi le barcu ga hirti lepo le botci ga kraku. I ba clafo, ice hue da,

Ua tu pacenoina dupma mu. I mu na kakbatmi tu, lepo clafo.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time there was a boy, and [he] lived [in] a village in the middle of France. And, during that ancient time, the mountain[s] and the forest[s] were- continuously full [of] (instances-of) wild animal[s]. And- for-example x were wild pigs, and y were deer, and z were otters, and w were wolves.

Now the boy lived [in] a small house, which was-built [by] someone, [out of] sticks and mud, and was-roofed [with] straw. And he lived-with [kinci-clivi = live with] his mother. And his father oh-dear was-some-time-before dead. And the mother loved and spoiled oh-dear her son. And he was badly-behaved and naughty.

Now, during that ancient time, the-typical child also worked. And was-the-work of the-typical child was every-event-of care-for the sheep and the goats. And n [the children] accompanied b [the sheep] and g [the goats] [from] the village [to] the field such-that the grass [was] long and soft in it [f=field]. And n stayed there, and looked-out-for every-case-of something being-damage [caused to] b and g.

Now every-case-of continuously watching sheep that are-grazing was-boring [to] the boy. And, O Reader, gentle, you probably have-never experienced an-event-of watching sheep that graze. And I assure you that this is boring as equalling the watching of grass that grows, or paint that dries. And the boy made a whistle, and played a few simple tunes. But this not for-long-time interested him, because in that ancient time Rock and Roll had not been invented, and he liked Rock and Roll, and not other music. [the-mass-event of shaking and rolling (last three words metaphorical) not was been- invented] And-in-any-case the whistle was not correctly tuned. And the boy got a small piece-of-cord, and learned to make cradles, [with] the rope and his hands. But this also was boring.

On one day, the boy hit-on-an-idea [vidre-duvri = idea-find. K discovers idea B concerning N] [of] something [about] one-event-of being-amused. And he stood up [stali-cenja = stand-change] and loudly shouted, "WOLF!!" [some-instance-of-the-mass-individual Mister Wolf.] And all inhabitants of the village right- now running arrived [at] the field such-that the sheep were peacefully grazing in it. And they questioned the boy, saying:
     Where is the wolf? And how-many wolves.

Said the boy, Many large wolves came here [to this], and stood near that tree. And I threw a rock, and shouted, and-so the wolves went-away.

Several-of the men carefully inspected the ground that was near the tree, and found no mark [on] it [d=dertu] [of] wolf. And they carefully listened, and heard no-event-of howling. And they returned [to] the village. And the boy happily laughed, and [use 1st arg in 2nd place] congratulated [himself] [on] being clever.

After a-few days, the boy was very bored, and again shouted, "Wolf!!" And all the inhabitants of the village again running arrived [at] the field. And they again found no mark [on] the ground [of] a wolf. And, when the men returned [to] the village, they sat-together [kinci-skitu = together sit at...] [at] the bar, and discussed the boy. And someone said, "I don't believe that he saw a wolf. And everyone knows-quality [katli-djano = ... knows quality ... in ...] mass- case-of being-naughty [of] the boy." And, in the field, the boy laughed and congratulated himself on being clever.

Now, on several recurrences, the boy tricked the-set-of inhabitants of the village. And the men discussed him and became-angry. And somebody said, "The naughty boy tricked (angry) us, and laughed (angryangry), and enjoyed every-event-of bothering (angryangryangry) us."

On one day, the boy again guarded the sheep, and was bored, and picked his nose. [cleaned the nose using the finger] [or perhaps '#nazbypafko' noze-dig] And he suddenly heard something-x that moved [to] y [from] z [via] the edge of the forest. And he looked, and saw many large and hungry wolves that stood there, and grinningly [kubra-scrano = grin] showed the teeth, and licked [tongu-satro = tongue-rub] the lips. And the boy stood up, and at the top of his voice [clado-clado : deafeningly loud] shouted, "Wolf, Wolf !!" And the wolves grinned, and began to slowly and silently walk towards the boy. And the boy again shouted, and tried to run. But the most big wolf caught him and speedily killed him. And the all wolves feastingly ate almost all the sheep.

The men in the bar heard that the boy shouted. And someone laughed, and he said, "Well, you no longer [past and not now] trick me. And we now take-turns/trade- places [with] you [in] laughing.

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