FVL 21.Notes
APL: nuzyvelsri : K is a journalist for publication P // nuzyjanto //
sucyresfu : B is a swim-suit
tovpua : tovru-purda : headline
nilcypua : nilca-purda : caption
tetpaocue : tetri-pasko-cutse : weather forecast
masykomta : maksi-komta : B is a super-computer
Le nu pubpetri je lemiu nursri, laelie Gai, Scientific American, Gai, pa furpoa lo groda nurtreci, ra sesmao pe ra landi, ice miu {pafazifoi/foipafazi }perpli to sekre, rapo dapli ba le ra lerci jio miu fursui lei, sei ji sesmao.
-zi is a suffix that needs to be in terminal position. Aside from the tense markers pa, na, and fa, the order of PA lexemes in a compound verb modifier is not highly important, hence the rearrangement to put the -zi at the end. In the following sentence, for reasons previously explained it is currently necessary to insert a comma between re and sei (and ri and sei) for a correct parse.
APL: selmuo : selji-muvdo : K is self-propelling
karti is (LOD) non-motorized vehicle, but I think more appropriate here than 'tcaro' or 'bermai'
nurkuvtcela : nu-kuvga-tcela : covered-wing : B is a coleoptera (characterized by wing-covers), a bug, beetle.
bamsekta : balma-sekta : ball-insect : B is a bug/beetle
ractce : traci-tceru : K travels all over region F (FVL.02)
cmagoi: cmalo-godzi: K goes a short distance DSV
nengozketpi : B is an entrance ticket to event D
hirjmi : (LOD) V is an audience with person D. Changing to :
B has an audience with personage D.
I ri melei ga respli lo ganta ge korva ge pelto kapma.
I think this is sort of cheating to turn a propredicate into a predicate to avoid the problem of the number swallowing a letter. As I said, I will be removing this now unnecessary option, but in the meantime, a comma after ri serves to avoid the linking
APL: sifklipu : sitfa-klipu : K reserves seat/accommodation etc B for person D at establishment F
sonpla : sonda-plata : sound-plate : B is a cymbal
tedgrudjo : B is member of audience F
Soahu no, hue Lai, I soahu no.
This does not parse. He presumably means Why no! he said "Why not?" but the no's are left hanging. I suggest Ue no,hue Lai. Ibuo soahu no tio?
I muo kance rei tie lomuo po vidsacdonsu, jio lemuo po kance ga nu tonmao muo{,/}vei.
This sentence is a bit difficult, but a comma after muo makes the vei an argument of the first kance, which already has its full complementl. Evidently the vei is intended to apply to tonmao
as the means by which the twisting occurs. Actually tonmao is intended for a physical distortion, and its application here is metaphorical.