Miu nu Denrezmao
As before, the problems that have been previously discussed at length, such as ga after uncommaed names will just be pointed out without discussion.
Ibuo la BeibiDjein {/ga}durnortoi lepo blipeo tio
Hue mi, denkaa sange
Mi logli, hue Bai, nu notyselsru
This, and another earlier free-standing freemod are able to parse correctly, as the parser has removed the comma. It is not exactly clear to me why the parser can sometimes remove the superfluous comma, and other times cannot, but, in any event it should be omitted except after names when a predicate intended to be part of the freemod follows the Hue <name>. The canonical (dictionary) form of notyselsru is noirselsru.
I la Huvr ue {/ga}resti va, e nilca ne bucto.
La Huvr {/ga}kunkatca le sitfa, nia lepo leu catrykau, ja mutce kinku nu dante, ga datyzakra le korce ji kocduo lemio hanydji, le tricu.
I la Huvr {/ga}santi kaurtaa.
I {/,}ne lojbi solda ga kamla ne tenta, ibuo pa lepo sei kau lufta lesei tarmu (/guo), ne kasytilba ga valti bloda sei, inukou sei felda le dertu.
I miu prase lepo glopa {/guo,}nia satoni minta.
I le to catrykau ze le to kasytilba ji stolo, ga prano radgoi {mu/miu}, e siltu le tilba.
Nao miu slamou prase, {e/ice}le tocu nordjadio ga krani lemiu hormu.
As the second part of the compound sentence has a different first argument, the two part sentences must be connected with ice. E would have served if miu were the argument for both predicates.
I le to kasytilba ga nu darli prano, ice ne {kei/kasytilba}ga fregoi miu, ice le notbi ga prigoi miu.
The current lexer combines ne and kei if no pause intervenes. As a comma at this point is unnatural, I have suggested repeating the kasytilba. This will probably be fixed in the resolver LIP
I la BeibiDjein {,ga}djadou mi lepo miu papa zvokaa le gunlai ji nu poncue le lojbi.
In line with APLs usage, and the remainder of the verbs of motion, nengoi has been given a fourth argument. K enter D from S via V.
Nao le fanra famji ga hap;ci clacue, na lepo {fei/feifei}vizka le to hormu, ja nu ponsu {fei/feifei}.
This is really a matter of choice. Generally the scope of an anaphora can be considered limited to a paragraph, but I believe in some earlier cases, it has been allowed to continue longer, and fei was used in the preceding sentence for fanra, and feo for farkeu, so it might be clearer to use feifei for fanra famji. On the other hand, it could be reassigned before the first usage by famji ji fei. I will assume that this has been done and that future occurrences of fei refer to famji.
I fei papia fatfio lepo le hormu no papa hijra le fanra na le nerpasdei {/guo}, e {/,}pa blipeo lepo hei papa nu tsitoa.
I le famji ga gozbeo miu, lep;o miu nengoi le hasfa {gue/guo}, e tifru miu ro tcidi ze nu hompi, nia lepo la BeibiDjein {/ga}telfyduo la Kerbilca moi lepo Kai sundi le tantcelyflemai, e fanbei miu.
I, nia lepo miu ze la Huvr {/ga}flesatci le fildi ji nedza le fanra {/guo}, miu vizka leumiu kange fremi ja lagbueprano vu, via le monbia.