Su Kinci lui la Fred
I mi {trakaipeo/blipeo}lepo miu kau ditca lepo saadja la Loglan guo, la Fred
APL has translated trakaipeo (true-quality-think) as wondered. The dictionary already has blipeo (possible-think) as wonder, speculate, contemplate. On the other hand, if he meant that he really thought/imagined they could teach Loglan to the fungus, something less than krido, then maybe trakaipeo might express this. For the moment, at least, I have not put trakeipeo in the dictionary. Opinions welcomed.
I la BeibiDjein {/ga}penso lepo Bai {fazakao/fakouza}traci le fanpafko ctimoa
The lexer considers -za to be an add-on to a PA, not a PA by itself, so fazakao is treated as faza kao, Either fakouza or koufaza is satisfactory. The usual remark about ga if a comma is not used after a name applies
I Bai {dazkencue/kentaa}mi lepo mi danza {supo/lepo}kinci Bai.
The difference between cutse and takna is that cutse quotes a speech whereas takna describes it. Both kentaa and kencue exist. I don't see what the desire adds to kentaa, since what is asked is whether the desire exists, unless APL is suggesting that Bei was hinting at her own wish that he come which does not show in the E translation. Supo suggests to me, on a trip or on at least one of several trips, but only one trip has been discussed, therefore I suggest the specific lepo
Rea hai fa kinci mu, hue la BeibiDjein, fomdia mi {}I hai cluva rapo traci le norsiclai.
(Bei must be a mindreader :)). In my recollection, JCB preferred a full stop when the next thought began with I, otherwise ice if it was to be a compound sentence. Hence a full stop after mi, or ice instead of I.
I la Elvis pifno nu kinci Hai na lepo{/,}Ema kampymao.
Ifeu oe tu kambei le tenta ze lo fu pacdou guu pe {/,}Ema
A comma is required between adjacent vowels in separate words
Na, miu sackaa sato denli fa ta, tie ne tantcelyflemai pe la Kerbilca {gue/gu}ja pafa kusmo katcytraci le mela Lojbandias, monca.
APL used gue here, apparently to cause the ja clause to modify tantcelyflemai, rather than Kerbilca. However 1) pe belongs to JI rather than JE, so, if ji la Kerbilca were a clause, it would need closure with gui rather than gue. However, pe la Kerbilca, a phrase, does not require a special closure, and the standard gu suffices, which is usually elided, except here where a modifier follows.
I le sitfa jio le tantcelyflemai pakau flesti sei, e nero snire le fanpafko ctimoa, ga kapsia, e skadarli le fanpafko ctimoa cau lio {sanefeikeimei/sanefei kilmeo}
This is a sentence not easily rearranged for our present dimensioned number system, but it is no longer encouraged to use undefined letterals for units. The grammar accepts the unit to be written in full after the number. Actually, the definition of skadarli and other ska words is of the form the distance between specified points of set B measures C units. It should perhaps be
as APL has used it B is distant from B by amount C, but I believe the change was made to avoid the same letter being used more than once in describing the places, using sets of like nature instead, as B is the son of parents K (pl.set) instead of mother K and father K.
I miu pa togrile Kerbilca lepo le tantcelyflemai fa fleti go tovru le kapsia, na ra {tori denli/denli tora}
na ra tori denli does not parse, as ra and tori being numbers the parser reads it as ratori. Ra le tori denli parses, but I am not sure that it has the right meaning in L. Ra denli tora (each day twosome) seems to me more Loglandic, and avoids the problem
I {/,}vo denli ga maksi
I {/,}sa le mozfui papa ckevei na lepo miu fadgoi le ctimoa.
A lexer error. I vo and I sa mistakenly combined and treated as letterals. Temporarily fixed with a comma.
I la Huvr {/ga}janto lo lepsu vi le snihebgru
No {,/}hue la BeibiDjein.
Because No, expects a sentence to follow. Without the comma it can stand alone.
Nao mi pa kinsea lemio to tenta, ice miu ganli lo kampo fu pacdou (guu/}, pa lepo ti draka.
This guu closes off the sentence, leaving nothing for the pa phrase to modify.
I la BeibiDjein {/ga}vlaci ri ginru, le cmavri.
I mi no pa djano lepo tu napa ti {nu/}furdou letu fagtroku
LOD gives furdou D receives gift B from S, therefore from the E, no nu is needed
I miu haispe le natmia, {epa/efa}skitu va le fagro, e norjiotaa, nia lepo la Huvr {/ga}datyzakra su bongu je le lepsu.
efa is and after. It could be efa, pa skitu, but the comma would be needed. Also, as usual, ga or comma after a name before an untensed predicate.
Le lunra litcko natli {/, ja}vi le gratrigru {/gu}, ze le fagro ji zbufla, ze su darli stirigi ji kuvlysonpro ga mutce, ia cluceacko.
If the vi le gratrigru stands as a phrase by itself, the fagro and the stirigi link to the gratrigru rather than the lunra litcko natli, with which I presume APL wanted the link. Hence, it should be linked to the natli with an argmod, which, as a phrase rather than a clause, is terminated with a simple gu.
I la BeibiDjein {/ga}jupni lepo supo miu sifdui fei, lo ranta mubre guo {/ga}dakli raba.
I don't think the second ga is essential, but it probably makes the sentence clearer.
I {/,}to mio sifdui ri tricu ji papa felda, e fu rodja lo fungi, ibuo nifei samtorpee la Fred.
I miu duv ri ne grogro ge laldo faghe ji papazu {/nu}fosylelsea su britetri
foirlelsea = fosli lelpi setfa K knock down B by V. Above usage requires nu. The canonical form uses foir instead of fosy,. but both are legitimate.
I, nia lepo miu gangoi le cmamoa vuva le sitfa je lemia kampo {/guo}, la Huvr {/ga}kaurtaa.
ice la Huvr {/ga}kaurtaa go clado ce kukra.
lepo la Huvr {/ga}no kinci miu.
The guo is necessary to avoid swallowing la Huvr. ga as usual.